Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Free Essays on Strenghts And Weakness In Kant Argument Of Nature
Strenghts and Weaknesses of Immanuel Kantà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s Concept of Nature A philosophical reflection on a disturbed relation with nature in the light of the ecological crisis Summary This study seeks to identify the frameworks of philosophical-theological co-operation between intuitions, ideas, beliefs and convictions within Western history, which prepared the ground for what is now known as the ecological crisis. This crisis confronts us with a human self-understanding in relation to nature particular to our time, which has become life threatening to the existence of large sections of mankind as well as of numerous other living beings. It also aims to uncover those sources of wisdom and knowledge within the Western history of philosophy and theology, which might be helpful in developing new perspectives for an appropriate response to this crisis. Concern about living creatures now and in the future as well as doubts about the efficiency of the contemporary, large-scale application of scientific rationality as the exclusive 'solution' to this crisis are, amongst others the motivations for this study. Part I analyses the historical-philosophical developments and conditions of a current way of Western thinking and living, their immanent dynamics and their relation to the present ecological crisis. This part also investigates Schelsky's thesis that from modern time onwards a specific epistemological model has become manifest, laying the foundations for our technological-scientific society. This epistemological model, summarised as 'one only knows the things one constructs', of which Immanuel Kant should be the originator, can be identified with the adage 'verum et factum convertuntur'. We conclude from a diversity of perspectives that a way of technological thinking and acting is so implicitly involved in each facet of human life, that its domain of application can hardly be demarcated. Theoretically defining the conten... Free Essays on Strenghts And Weakness In Kant Argument Of Nature Free Essays on Strenghts And Weakness In Kant Argument Of Nature Strenghts and Weaknesses of Immanuel Kantà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s Concept of Nature A philosophical reflection on a disturbed relation with nature in the light of the ecological crisis Summary This study seeks to identify the frameworks of philosophical-theological co-operation between intuitions, ideas, beliefs and convictions within Western history, which prepared the ground for what is now known as the ecological crisis. This crisis confronts us with a human self-understanding in relation to nature particular to our time, which has become life threatening to the existence of large sections of mankind as well as of numerous other living beings. It also aims to uncover those sources of wisdom and knowledge within the Western history of philosophy and theology, which might be helpful in developing new perspectives for an appropriate response to this crisis. Concern about living creatures now and in the future as well as doubts about the efficiency of the contemporary, large-scale application of scientific rationality as the exclusive 'solution' to this crisis are, amongst others the motivations for this study. Part I analyses the historical-philosophical developments and conditions of a current way of Western thinking and living, their immanent dynamics and their relation to the present ecological crisis. This part also investigates Schelsky's thesis that from modern time onwards a specific epistemological model has become manifest, laying the foundations for our technological-scientific society. This epistemological model, summarised as 'one only knows the things one constructs', of which Immanuel Kant should be the originator, can be identified with the adage 'verum et factum convertuntur'. We conclude from a diversity of perspectives that a way of technological thinking and acting is so implicitly involved in each facet of human life, that its domain of application can hardly be demarcated. Theoretically defining the conten...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
French Expressions With the Verb Rendre
French Expressions With the Verb Rendre The French verb rendre literally means to return and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to give thanks, glorify, comply with orders, and more with this list of expressions with rendre. Possible meanings of rendre to give back, returnto administer (justice)to hand in (homework)to pay off (e.g., an experiment)to produce, make, yieldto repayto render (a thought, an expression)to surrenderto vomit Expressions with rendre rendre adjectiveto make (happy, scared, mad, etc.)rendre là ¢meto breathe ones lastrendre un culte to worshiprendre de la distance (running)to have a (distance) handicaprendre gloire to glorifyrendre gorgeto repay unfairly gotten gainsrendre grà ¢ces to give thanks torendre hommage to pay homage torendre honneur - rendre les derniers honneurs to pay tribute to - to pay the last tributes torendre du poids (horse-riding)to have a (weight) handicaprendre des pointsto give someone a head startrendre raison de quelque chose to give a reason for somethingrendre serviceto be a great help, to be handyrendre service quelquunto do someone a servicerendre le soupirto breathe ones last rendre visite quelquunto visit someonese rendre to go tose rendre lappel de quelquunto respond to someones appealse rendre lavis de quelquunto bow to someones advicese rendre compte deto realizese rendre levidenceto face factsse rendre aux ordresto comply with ordersse rendre aux prià ¨res de quelquunà à to yield to someones pleasse rendre aux raisons de quelquunto bow to someones reasonsRendez-vous compte!Just imagine!Tu te rends compte?Can you imagine?
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