Friday, February 14, 2020

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Seethetwoarticleslistedattheendofthisdocument.Basedonthematerialcoveredinthemicroeconomicsclass,provideaneconomicanalysisofthepolicyscenariogiven below - Essay Example This may include External Price Referencing element in it. In some countries like Germany, they allow free pricing of patented drugs but use the policy of External Price Referencing in reimbursements. It is not the same in Netherlands which sets a cap on the price of medicines considered to be of therapeutic value. It must be noted that not all types of drugs are subjected to this policy of External Price Referencing. There different guidelines in different countries that are used when using the policy. The drug m market follows the rules of demand and supply just like other products. The only difference comes in regulatory protection and approval and also on the role played by the demand side. (Mossialos, et al, 2004). This varies with different countries for they have different rules and regulations that guide the policy being undertaken on pharmaceutical products. Also the value of a particular pharmaceutical product is determined by factors such as the amount the consumers are willing to pay for the product. This varies in different countries based on availability, accessibility, importance of the drug and other factors like the government policies and controls. The manufacturer and those importing set their own pricing which affects the price of the drug. This varies in different countries which have different tariffs on imported goods. Others factors are differences on costs of procurement and even price discrimination by the suppliers of patented drugs on those countries with a factory producing generic drugs. (Olcay and Laing, 2005). The incomes of individual consumers and national, degree of competition in the public and private sector, the system of health capacity and the public policy in different countries. Those countries that are developing public health cost account for the second largest government expenditure after staffing cost. (World Bank

Saturday, February 1, 2020

EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE - Assignment Example This paper discusses the strengths and the weakness of the evidence-based method. This paper also discusses the future and current state of clinical guidelines and the limitations of the guidelines as well. Evidence-based medicine is about solving clinical problems, it does this through a process of bringing together the best evidence of clinical experience and patient values. Clinical efficacy is a critical assessment of anything you do which is aimed at making a change in practice as a result of having a positive outcome. The main purpose is to improve patient and care experience. Clinical effectiveness measures outcomes on an individual patient level. Clinical effectiveness studies help healthcare professionals to understand how to design treatments based on patient variation rather than cost. Clinical effectiveness is about the right people, doing the right thing, the right way, in the right place, at the right time with the right result (Graham 1996). In the context of my practice as a  podiatrist, the right person would primarily be well-trained and a member of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), with knowledge of the new advances in podiatry, such as local anaesthesia, nail surgery, diabetic feet and gait analysis. All the above specialities need extended training such as Continuing Professional Development. Clinical effectiveness doing the right thing is aimed at making clinical practice more accurately based on the use of investigations that have been proven to be effective relative to the specific patient needs (Graham 1996). To do things in the right way it is necessary to have a well-trained and competent work-force that has clear responsibilities and works together in this new era of podiatry to deliver the best value healthcare possible. The right result refers to the maximization of health effects,